Please review the list below for commonly used software titles. If you find your title you are interested in, links are provided to start the process. If you don’t find what you are looking for, please fill out a New Software Request form and we will provide you a quote.

Key for Windows users for Mac users Request *available from vendors and OIT in response to the COVID-19 campus directives and may be only temporarily available

Please note: Prices are for use on laptop/desktop devices only and do not include prices for use on the MERCED Cluster. Please submit a request for software for the cluster.

For all other software titles not listed above:

If you still can’t find the software you need, click HERE to request OIT assistance.

IMPORTANT: If the software you need is not listed, the ordering process can take up to a month or more. This is due to several factors:

Tomasz David
Tomasz David

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